Sustainable Living, Sustainable Leadership

Leadership Training

Leadership Background

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."

Leaders are born, not made, discuss?

"She's a born leader."

I'm sure you'll have heard all of the above before, but how true are these statements. Do leaders not benefit and learn from positive (and negative) experiences? Has the 'born leader' in their fifties not been forged from the triumphs and mistakes in their twenties, thirties and forties? Is there a better way to learn leadership skills rather than simply resorting to trial and error? How many casualties will there be along the way if some sort of structured training is not followed?

My Image

Leadership Development

Effective leaders have qualities that inspire people, engage them, build trust, share a vision and achieve business objectives. These people might be employees, teams they engage with, suppliers, clients or, most likely, a combination of all these groups.

Leadership development expands the capacity of individuals to perform in leadership roles within organisations and is a key to business success. It has traditionally focused on developing the leadership abilities and attitudes of individuals and this can be achieved in a number of ways.

Leadership development has to be developed with at least a certain amount of person or situation specific considerations. Different personal traits and characteristics can help or hinder a person's leadership effectiveness and require formalised programs for developing leadership competencies.

A development programme may include some or all of the following:

  • Developmental experiences over a set period of time,
  • Observation and reflection,
  • Executive coaching and mentoring,
  • An assessment of key developmental needs leading to goal-setting,
  • Evaluation of the achievement of goals after a given time period.
It is not 'one size fits all'. To be truly effective it must take account of where you currently are, where you want to get to, what method and techniques can help you and how you can record development progress.

Find out what Leadership Training could do for you

If you wish to discuss Leadership Training further, the please get in touch with me via the Contact page in the first instance.

I look forward to hearing from you and outlining what Leadership Training can do for you.

© 2020 Liz Gatheral